About Us

About Us


PrideVA aspires to achieve its mission and vision by focusing its activities on four areas:

  • Strategic Partnership with VA: We are a strategic partner for VA in enabling a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible climate across the Department, to include advocating for policies aimed at creating a workplace that is free from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Together with other stakeholders within VA, we seek to identify, promote awareness of, and address issues affecting LGBTQ+ employees and Veterans. We will ensure policymakers, managers, and other employees are educated regarding issues of concern to PrideVA members. We will also work with other stakeholders to coordinate special events such as Pride month celebrations and other events showcasing the contributions of LGBTQ+ VA employees, Veterans, and Service members.
  • Point of Contact & Resource: PrideVA is point of contact and resource for employees, and potential employees regarding LGBTQ+ issues and activities at VA to include providing information about and referral to relevant VA programs, staff, and resources. Pride VA will also encourage VA recruitment efforts aimed at ensuring VA’s workforce reflects our nation’s diversity, to include outreach to gender and sexual minorities.
  • Mentorship & Professional Development: PrideVA will support career success for our members by providing opportunities for mentorship, to include a formal pairing program between senior and junior employees in the same field. We will also facilitate professional development through presentations by subject matter experts during our membership meetings.
  • Community & Service: PrideVA strives to be a national organization with chapters across the country. We will foster a sense of community and camaraderie by connecting members through social media, newsletters, and other outlets. We will place a special emphasis on promoting opportunities for community building through volunteerism.

Organizational & Governance Principles

  • Membership: Open to all VA employees, VA contractors, and retired VA employees who support the mission and vision of PrideVA
  • Structure: PrideVA is an officially recognized employee resource group within VA. We aspire to be a national organization with local chapters throughout the nation.
  • Governance: PrideVA is governed by an elected Board of Directors (Board), written by-laws, and permanent and temporary committees. We endeavor for Board representation from VA Central Office, National Cemetery Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, and Veterans Health Administration.
  • Contact: PrideVA holds regular meetings to consult and update our members.